Love, GOD
In 2017, my husband and I began a blog about our experience with a book, Cancer and the Lord’s Prayer, and our experience with a health...
Standing Up For Jesus
LARRY: There is much I could share regarding the 6 days I remained hospitalized, but there is one episode that will forever remain in my...
Surgery Day...
On July 25, 2016, I drove Larry to Williamson Medical Center at 5:00am to undergo prostate surgery. I didn’t know it at the time—even...
We thought we were in the clear…. Till the weekend and the blood came with a vengeance! Blood cots in the urine can cause the catheter...
Forgiveness and Faith
Lucia: I realized again that God may not choose to heal Larry’s body but I could plainly see that our hearts were being healed. We were...
The Watch
Larry: I shall never forget what brought me down the stairs at 2:30 in the morning to suggest we might need to go to the emergency room....
Battle with Fear
Larry: The first battle with fear: At my GP’s office, I urinated some, and it appeared to be mostly blood with very little urine, but at...
When Your Faith Is Tested
Lucia: While we were at Shaker Village, I had time to sit outside, meditate and pray. There was a very special bench about 8-10 feet from...
Really ...? Changing Directions?
Really …? Changing directions? Maybe you are wondering where we have been for the last 10-11 months. Well, we intend to tell you over the...
Cancer and the Lord's Prayer
It is hard to describe the struggle, trial and deliverance we have experienced over the last ten or eleven months, but we hope over the...