Why SDG Communications now?
For four years, Lucia and I have talked about creating some type of business together. Having met and developed a deep friendship in a business setting, we were able to evaluate each other’s personal and business skills, and integrity. For all of this time, we have continued to discuss the possibility of creating a new business that would bring our skills, talents, experience, and vision together. SDG Communications is that business.
For the past 3 and a 1/2 years, I have spent most of my time working with three small businesses in a limited capacity with limited influence. I have watched all three businesses suffer in numerous and different ways and it has been quite frustrating! All three of those situations dropped in my lap without any solicitation. The one similarity in the three businesses and cause for many of their problems was directly connected to poor overall communication.
In addition, over the past three months, we have become aware of several businesses and non-profits that have a significant need for an objective set of eyes and have problems that threaten to destroy their purpose and mission. As we learned about each of these situations and asked probing questions, it became apparent to us that there are discernable solutions to their problems.
I have a great deal of empathy and understanding for business owners and the challenges they face. I had a highly successful consulting business for over 20 years that eventually ended in failure. This forced me to examine and change some things within myself before I could ever allow myself to be put in such a position of responsibility to another human being or business endeavor.
One incredibly important thing I realized was that much of my success working for years with small businesses can be attributed to maintaining inappropriate control — which stifles creativity, challenges free will, eliminates real communication, and damages relationships. But man was not put on this earth to be controlled by other men. There is a significant difference between controlling versus leading, counseling, directing, advising, promoting, analyzing, guiding, and influencing. The application of that truth has made all the difference for me — both professionally and personally — allowing me to more effectively be of service to others.
We, at SDG Communications, believe there is no such thing as a bad business, assuming the business provides its customers with a valuable product or service. But so many businesses, like those mentioned above, are unnecessarily taking on water. We will get in your boat with you and help you plug the holes because we believe your boat is worth salvaging… for you, your family and your customers.
“If you have a product that can truly help someone then you owe it to them to share it in a positive way.” Jeff Walker
“You also owe it to yourself and to God first and foremost.” Larry Cherry