Cancer and the Lord's Prayer
It is hard to describe the struggle, trial and deliverance we have experienced over the last ten or eleven months, but we hope over the next few weeks to share our experience. We had great expectations for the launch of our website and business in late 2015, but, as we have discovered, the timing was somewhat premature. We had to learn some very valuable lessons that our Father was to teach through a book and an experience of the Presence of God. For some reason, we humans don’t seem to learn that our success and joy in this world is mostly tied to our dependence on and trust in God. We often have to learn the hard way that His will and His kingdom are to be our primary focus. Anything short of that is doomed to failure.
Because the story is long and involved, we have divided it into about 6-7 bite-sized posts that we hope will be informative, challenging and descriptive of our journey. Please pass this blog on to your friends and acquaintances and post on Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter.
Please be encouraged that we are not alone in our struggles, trials or illnesses. No matter how we feel or what the trial, we can be assured that our heavenly Father is compassionate and loving, always desiring for us to KNOW Him and trust Him above all else.
Grace and Peace….
Lucia & Larry Cherry